Friday, April 24, 2009

My tax season survival guide

Finally my computer is behaving again, so here is a really long post!!!

Step 1 - take a trip right before tax season starts. See previous Disneyland post.

Step 2 - have a crappy economy, so your husband won't have to work as many hours. (Not a necessity, but it definately helped!)

Step 3 - take a girls trip sometime during tax season. In this case it happened to be to Disneyland again! It was a very happy birthday to Heather and Amy and just plain fun for Chelsea and I!!!

Step 4 - Take a long trip to visit a relative during one of those last few crunch weeks. We went to visit my sister in Utah and the kids had a blast! I am not sure who had more fun! I was worried about traveling alone, but it wasn't as bad as I thought.

Step 5 - Celebrate the end of tax season with some much needed family time! We went to the lake, Lied's children museum and played some t-ball (those pics will be saved for their own post!)

That my friends is how I survived and survive I did!


Emily B said...

I love the wet bums. You should really get the Disneyland passes. It looks like you go A LOT. Then you can go with us.

Amy said...

Holy post! I think that you really would like the Disneyland passes. You clearly love it!

Addison, Crew, Carter & Canon's Mama said...

How fun!! I love new posts with pictures :)

Keeping Life Creative said...

Good tips. I think I will apply them to my life as Jared will have a "finals" time every semester from now on. I thought we were done with college, but now he's off to teach it! lol

Justina Selim said...

Glad you survived! I have been thinking about going to that Lied Museum with the kids. What did u think of it? Worth the money?