Saturday, July 19, 2008

Jaxon's 1st Birthday

This is Jaxon's first birthday. We had two celebrations. One with just us on his actual birthday. I made his favorite dinner, chicken broccoli and we had cake of course. Spencer had to help blow out the candle and then have one of his own. :) It was simple but nice. Then on Saturday we had the rest of the family over for a BBQ and cupcakes. It was so much fun. Jaxon got to play with Addison and of course Spencer played with Grisham. It is always great to just hang out and spend time with family. Sadly I don't have many pictures from Saturday. I remembered to charge the video camera but I forgot about my digital camera. Opps!
Thanks again to everyone for coming!
Wednesday's Strawberry cake. Spencer picked it out. He said that Jaxon wanted it.

I love this picture. I just think it is fun and he looks like he is about to attack the cake.

This was so funny. Jaxon wasn't into really tearing the paper. We would try to get him started by tearing a little hole, but then he just kept playing with the toy through the hole. It was cute.

This is Jaxon with his cupcake on Saturday. He was kinda tired by the time we got to cupcakes and was mostly content to just stare at everyone watching him. He did finally eat some cupcake. I am not sure why the color turned out so funny on this picture, but I like it. It reminds me of photos taken in the 80s. :)

This is how present opening went on Saturday. Spencer or Grisham helped open and then Spencer was as excited if not motre excited than Jaxon about whatever was inside. I think he has played with Jaxon's new toys all week. It is kind of funny, but it has made him a lot more willing to share. :)

1 comment:

Addison, Crew, Carter & Canon's Mama said...

We had so much fun, thanks for inviting us! :)
Rich and I just got back from Utah a couple hours ago. It's always fun spending time with family, we love you guys! :)