Friday, June 20, 2008


Okay, so I got tagged a long time ago, but I have been bad about blogging this whole month! So here it FINALLY is...
Four things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. Finishing my sophmore year of high school and wondering if my mom was going to make me return to my home school the next year.
2. Dancing all the time - I went to ALL the youth dances!
3. Dating - I was a very excited 16 year old!
4. Wondering when I was going to learn to drive
Four things I was doing 5 years ago:
1. Working Full time at Czarnowski
2. Going to college full time
3. Trying to have a baby - for those of you doing the math - It took us a year from this point!
4. Looking forward to being done with crazy school schedules and seeing my husband more often!
Four things i did yesterday:
1. Cleaned my house
2. Took my kids to Burger King for a play group
3. Watched my friend's daughter Cora
4. Had a jewelry party for Diana - sorry again for the lame turn out
Four shows I like to watch:
1. So you think you can dance - who doesn't like this show!
2. How I met your mother
3. Bachelorette - not normally, but I REALLY like this season. I know it's lame!
4. Ellen!!


Justina Selim said...

Fun tag!

Chelsea said...

It's been almost a month...I demand a new post! Perhaps something about the sadness that fills the depths of your heart from no longer being in my ward. :)